First DevPost, wee!


An (un)official Space Station 13 Roguelike

*Title subject to change

A rowdy janitor picks a fight with the player

The first official dev post!

I'm not entirely sure if this warrants any sort of celebration but hey, toot toot.

Anyways, this is just a small informative post to get you up to speed on the current state of the game.

I've been working on this in my spare time for roughly a month or so, what's been implemented so far is....

  • Field of View
  • Basic Dungeon Generation
  • Basic Monster AI (At the moment they simply move to your position and hit you)
  • Attacking
  • UI Message/Message Log

This is also being developed using C++ and libtcod for those curious about the inner workings.

I'm taking alot of inspiration from Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup or DCSS for short due to it being one of my favorite RLs of all time, You can expect a decent bit of the game mechanics in Greytide to be familiar if you've played DCSS before.

Since I'm still a tad bit new to this indie dev thing, I'll make an effort to atleast post a minimum of atleast one progress update per week.

I'm developing this in my spare time so you'll have to bear with me, It's gonna be a marathon not a sprint.

I hope you enjoyed this slightly informative introduction, more to come soon.


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